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Found 4077 results for any of the keywords we breed. Time 0.013 seconds.
Dachshund / Teckel - Breeders and Kennels - Europe, USA… Selection of red, black/tan, chocolate/tan and dapple (silver/tan and chocolate/tan… English Cream and Cream Carriers are our Premier line of Longhairs…
Bouledogue français / French Bulldog - Breeders and Kennels - Europe,… dogs are socialized and live with us in the house where they are constantly in contact with… puppies are champion sired and all have champion bloodlines in their pedigrees…
Maine coon Kittens for adoption - Maine Coon Cats NationMaine coon Kittens, adoption, near me, We Breed happiness Our kittens possess the quintessential Maine Coon attributes, playful, intelligent, Buy Maine Coon
Portugal - Dog Breeders and Kennels -… Breeders of Maremmano-Abruzzese (Maremma Sheepdog) livestock guardians… Conservation, protection and introduction of the Chuandong Hound… pedigree the best bloodlines…
German Spitz / Keeshond / Pomeranian - Breeders and Kennels… FCI and AKC standard and use the best American and English lines… champions of many countries - from USA and Canada to Asia, also Interchampions and Grandchampions…
American Staffordshire Terrier - Breeders and Kennels -… show quality Amstaffs with great temperaments that are health tested… Recognized kennel by AKC FCI ANCI, breeder in… dogs and puppies are house kept, raised in love and attention…
Dog Breeder | GreatDogSiteBrowse over 750 dog breeds in alphabetical order in order to find the breed thats right for you.
Rhodesian Ridgeback - Breeders and Kennels -… breed with the best lines in Africa… many breeding founders, as well as numerous show champions are descended… puppies, plans, announcements and results…
Italy - Dog Breeders and Kennels -… Allevamento professionale di Shiba inu e Golden Retriever americano… The first Lapinporokoira kennel in… Lagotto romagnolo breeding, selection based on the character…
Dog Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.comFind a dog breeders, breeding kennels… and puppies in Europe, USA, Canada… and Australia. List of over 300 dog breeds - FCI and Kennel Club (UK & US) nomenclature. Purebred dogs for family, show, work and sport!
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